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An online digital marketing campaign has a number of benefits. It can be relatively low cost, but at the same time, it reaches a large number of people. It’s also much easier to create a targeted online marketing campaign than an offline one. It also lets you update the campaign in real-time. Here are eight ways in which you can reach new online customers and build your audience for your digital business.

Sponsor a Giveaway or a Prize in a Contest

Nothing builds your readership, customer base, or audience faster than giving away something for free. You do end up spending a little but done well, the rewards are exponential and immense. So, create a contest and keep it simple. Host the contest on your website to get your site more hits. Finally, make sure the prize you offer is great enough to tempt people to join in.

Digital gift cards are a great way to award the winners. A number of these cards now offer the opportunity to use the cards not only at the usual online and brick-and-mortar merchants but also at healthcare and medical facilities. Follow the link for a comparison that looks at theBlack Hawk Network and another top provider.

Spruce Up Your Website

Your website is your online address. It tells potential customers what kind of small business you are. So, make sure your site is attractive and visually appealing. At the same time, make sure the functionality and usability of your site are simple and intuitive. Keep distractions at a minimum. Funnel visitors to the most important pages. Also, speed up the load time for the pages since nothing puts off visitors than a slow page taking forever to load.

Leverage Content Marketing

Content marketing, or creating the kind of content that is useful for your customer base, is a great way of building an audience. Play to your strengths and your business specialty when you’re uploading content. For example, if you have a garment e-store, blog about the best looks for the fall, ways of dressing up for an interview, etc. Posting this type of engaging and valuable content lets people see you as an expert in your field while bringing traffic to your site.

Use High-Traffic Websites

Posting on high-traffic websites such as Medium and answering user questions on sites such as Quora and linking back to your website can help you pull in traffic. It also showcases your expertise and your brand’s value.

Participate in Online Communities

Online communities dedicated to your area of interest are full of potential customers. Join LinkedIn and Facebook groups. Make sure your participation is organic, natural, and helpful. Don’t be pushy. When you help people with the information they need, even when it doesn’t advertise your business, you help build trust in your opinion, and by extension, your brand.

Make the Most of Social Media

Keep your social media posts relevant and engaging. You are more likely to have your posts go viral if you match your posts in response to what is happening around you in the real world or keep the posts informative/entertaining. An entertaining or humorous post can help you connect with people but make sure you do it right.

Build an SEO Strategy

A sound SEO strategy is a must for any business to do well online. Make sure your website is optimized for relevant and important keywords. Also, make sure your content marketing incorporates these keywords.

Don’t Be Afraid of Paid Ads

Paid ads do a great job of specifically targeting your best possible audience. The ads let you use parameters such as interests, location, buying patterns, etc. to be able to target the right customer.

Your marketing campaign is an important tool for building your digital business. Use the above guide to reach new customers and build your base.

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