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Link Building


Dricki SEO Agency

Link Building

As a nationally recognized internet marketing company, Dricki offers digital marketing services like search engine optimization (SEO), paid search management (PPC), web design and development, local maps optimization, and reputation management for small businesses and fortune 500 companies..

Our agency builds white hat links for ambitious websites

Using a process-driven approach with a cutting-edge link building strategy, we significantly improve your search engine rankings.


Dricki's Link building services

Our SEO Company is a leading link building company. We have years of experience in link building. We offer one way link building, focusing on quality links.

It is most important factor for better ranking on Google and many other search engines. Link building process is a lengthy and complex process. But with our Company services you can be at the top of your niche. Depending upon the quality and quantity of your backlinks the major crawlers like Google bots define your ranking. Crawlers used backlinks in their ranking algorithm.

Google rank those websites that present expertise, authority and trust. Google considers it as an authority signal and rewards your web pages higher ranking.


What actually is Link building?

The process of building relationship with other website owners who link your web page into their website or article because it enhances theirs content. So whenever anybody links your website into their website, that hyperlink is called backlinks.

Google confirms the importance of backlinks. They said if other genuine website links your webpage to their website without you have asking to do the same. This will be called a natural link building. That help to increase your website authority and brand value in Google eyes.

That will be a good sign for your search engine ranking. There is a direct relation between the organic traffic and quality backlinks. Most of the people click on the organic results and backlinks is the main factor to achieve organic ranking in Google.


How do you get backlinks?

Well there is not any single method by which get can get guaranteed backlinks. It is hefty and complex process. There are three methods by which you may get links:

1. Create

This is most common method of getting links. This could be done manually by linking your site into other site. Most common methods are:

  • Business directory submissions;
  • Social profile creation;
  • Blog commenting;
  • Posting to forums, communities
  • Creating job search listings;
2. Buy

Paying webmasters or any other platform to buy the links. This is most cheapest way to build backlinks. But from the perspective of Search Engine it may not be very helpful in your ranking.

3. Earning

This is most difficult method of generating backlinks. In this email outreach can be used in which website owners are asked to link your web page. And if your quality of content is high then it may be possible that the website owners voluntarily link your web page to them. This is moist effective way of generating backlinks and it effects your SE ranking. 


What makes a good link?

1. Authority

If the Google rank your web page at the top of search results, it means the page has more authority or more linking power. We have years of experience in generating high quality backlinks. We use internal as well as outbound linking methods to improve the website authority of important pages.

2. Relevance

Relevance means something which is related to your site. The more genuine backlinks you have the higher will be the chance of getting page authority. The link juice of your linking page will pass to the linked page. Our expert team will help you to get more relevant links.  We find relevance of any be page in the following way:

  1. People who’ve written articles about similar topics
  2. People who’ve linked to articles on similar topics
3. Placement of links

Merely having a quality links does not guarantee you to rank at the top of SE. but the placement of that links are also another important factor that need to consider while putting a backlinks. We know where user wants more information and where we need to put the backlinks. Placement of a link is one of the few things that can affect its CTR.

4. Destination

While building links to your website, there cloud be three destinations that you want to target:

  1. Homepage
  2. Linkable assets
  • And those pages which actually need to rank high in SE.

People hate commercial and affiliate links because they are not getting values to them. They stay on those links where they get value for free. We understand people and their psychology and e know where your customer gets more value. 

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs or Coaching and Mentoring services feel free to speak to me personally by call us during business hours.

Head office address:

SCO 45, 2nd Floor, Sector 34A, Chandigarh

Call for help:

+91 98-138-25459

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