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Frequently Asked Questions

You got questions, we got answers! Below are common questions asked about our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ..

Satisfying the needs of our clients is our foremost priority and so is their curiosity. So, to satisfy those needs we come across few questions that will cross your mind before availing our services.

Ajay D. (CEO)

FAQ’s – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Dricki is a reputed SEO company that has been featured in the industry’s top publications. We have improved search visibility of more than 1000 clients. Most of our new clients are referred by our existing/past clients. This explains the quality of SEO work we offer to our clients.

The time taken to get on the first page entirely depends on the current optimization level of your website and the competition in your business domain. Being the best SEO services provider in India, we are committed to show you early positive results within 3-4 months while substantial results take from 6 months to 12 months.

Dricki is the top SEO services company in India. Our professional SEO experts are adept at local SEO, Google Maps Marketing, paid Google Maps advertising, and small business SEO. Definitely, we can help you with local search ranking and help you target any particular city or area.

All our employees sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The data we collect during search engine optimization process is safe with us. Being the most-trustworthy SEO company in India, we never disclose anything confidential to the third-party unless instructed by you. We are ready to sign an NDA if there it is required

After conducting the SEO audit of your website, we will start working on each aspect of search engine optimization – on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off page SEO. Our SEO strategies are not purely keyword based. Instead, being the best SEO services company, we focus on relevant traffic and lead generation. Call us to know more.

Being a professional SEO company India, we believe in prompt customer support. We will assign you a project manager for quick communication via email/phone/chat/Skype. We will email you semi-monthly/monthly SEO work report (And more frequent ones when necessary), which depends on the terms of a project.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)