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Web Design and Development


Dricki SEO Agency

Web Design and Development

Services offered by Dricki include website design, website development, content creation, website maintenance, and search engine optimization. We also offer additional services such as branding, graphic design, and digital marketing. The goal of a web design company is to create websites that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for performance and conversion.

Let’s Start with Our Professional Website Design and Development Company

Our website design and development company provide well professional web design to showcase your online presence among your customers. Our excellent team is capable of creating creative and high performance website design and development of any complexity. Here are the services we offer –


Responsive Website Design Services

Make your website highly accessible and use framework that hides, moves, shrinks and adjusts content on your website depending on which device your customers are using like Smartphone, tablets or iphones. Which grab highest traffic to your website.

Get your customers attention by making it more responsive to fit on any device and screen. That helps to enhance user experience on your website. Responsive web design is always a plus point for every website owner.  94% of people who say they didn’t trust a website because of its design.

Google also give preference to responsive web design in their algorithms that helps to get ranking faster and help achieve your business goals: increased traffic, leads, and sales as compared to non response website design.


e-Commerce Development

We are leading ecommerce Development Company in India that provides ecommerce website design and development services to clients with perfect technical consultation. Ecommerce websites are loaded with large number of pages so our development team understand client business terms and business size.

There are number of ecommerce platform based on businesses like B2C , B2B and Multi Vendor Platform with CMS integration and API integration system.  Our eCommerce solutions offer the best in standard features and functionality while remaining agile and completely customizable.

We analyze your business need and pipeline before developing the ecommerce website so we can perfectly implement and formulate strategies to provide great customer experience that enable businesses to register increased traffic and sales.


Customized WordPress Design & Development

We know and understand your expectation for your website that must be unique and must match with your product and services. You must know that big websites like CNN, MTV and Other Top brands run on WordPress Platform.

We provide WordPress theme customization services and conversion services at par with current standards to give exceptional user experience.

Other companies might leave you to do the rest after the website development, but want to make sure that we leave you with a attractive and beautiful website| Our expert team will guide you with basic WordPress changes that make you more comfortable with your website design.


Mobile App UI UX and Mobile Website Design

Our website design company use latest UI UX design trends for your mobile app. We take care of users and owners perspectives while developing the mobile apps for your business that will provide you best platform to meet your customers requirements.

We are also expert in developing highly creative mobile web designs and showcase even minor details about your business on a small mobile screen without disturbing the website structure.

Small and medium-sized businesses frequently see massive benefits when they make the shift to an experience optimized for mobile. Businesses of all sizes in Chandigarh and across the country can find success in their motive with our customized designs.

How we handle the Work


Our process start with identifying the customer goals and figuring out the scope of projects. And once we know the website goals, our website design and development team kicks off the process simply with understanding your business objectives and branding.

Assign You Team

Based on the website requirement and clients objectives , we assign our best team based on the work. Our designing and development team in Chandigarh are well versed knowledgeable and skilled. The team we will assign on your website, will have a team leader who will do all the communication with you.

Research & Analysis

After collecting all the information about your business and website, then very next step is research and analysis. Our dedicated team will start researching your niche, competitors and targeted audience. That will help you to achieve your goals, sales and revenue.

Sitemap & Wireframe Creation

The next step is to work on the sitemap and wireframe creation of your project. After a well-defined project scope, our team digs into the sitemap to define the key features, structure, functionalities, and overall navigation structure of your website.

Content Strategy

Content strategy is most important for website growth and website creation process. Our expert team always have clear picture of what content is useful for your website and where it should be placed.


At this stage, our team focuses on creative graphic design, visual elements, and animations that are required to bring your website to life. We build a responsive, lead gen, custom and attractive web design proposal that scores high in UI UX aspects. After getting approval from clients, we move forward to the development stage of your business website.


Our Website developers are focused on developing attractive, responsive and beautiful website without any coding error. In The development process we take care of better website structure and placement.

Deployment and Site Testing

After the client approval on website design and development, we begin with the deployment and testing part. We run all the website pages and check the functionality to ensure that everything is perfect before the launching process.


Once the website is loaded with necessary features and ready to gain an appreciation for its compelling designs, we plan and execute your site launch. In this phase, our team communicates with the client and knows when they will want their website to live online and let the world know about your work.

Our Portfolio

Wholesale Fashion Square

At Wholesale Fashion Square, we know what your boutique needs to succeed! From women’s cloths, accessories, and makeup to trendy, high-quality fashion items.

Hatchlings Early Learning

The Hatch suite of early learning solutions complements and enhances your preschool & kindergarten classroom and supports early learners in reaching their next learning milestone!

Energy Entertainments

With over 14 years of experience working with various artists and event organizers globally, Energy Entertainments guarantee to deliver the highest standard performances and concepts every time.

Verve Fitness

We proudly manufacture a range of fitness equipment, right here in Australia, using 100% pure Aussie steel.


The average user can access 17 million files. Varonis reduces your blast radius in days, not years. Combined with advanced detection that monitors every file touch, ransomware doesn’t stand a chance

Australian Tanks

Australian Tanks handles all contracts with the same care, courtesy and commitment to successful outcomes whether the job is right next door or on the other side of the country.


How we handle the Work


Our process start with identifying the customer goals and figuring out the scope of projects. And once we know the website goals, our website design and development team kicks off the process simply with understanding your business objectives and branding.

Assign You Team

Based on the website requirement and clients objectives , we assign our best team based on the work. Our designing and development team in Chandigarh are well versed knowledgeable and skilled. The team we will assign on your website, will have a team leader who will do all the communication with you.

Research & Analysis

After collecting all the information about your business and website, then very next step is research and analysis. Our dedicated team will start researching your niche, competitors and targeted audience. That will help you to achieve your goals, sales and revenue.

Sitemap & Wireframe Creation

The next step is to work on the sitemap and wireframe creation of your project. After a well-defined project scope, our team digs into the sitemap to define the key features, structure, functionalities, and overall navigation structure of your website.

Content Strategy

Content strategy is most important for website growth and website creation process. Our expert team always have clear picture of what content is useful for your website and where it should be placed.


Once the website is loaded with necessary features and ready to gain an appreciation for its compelling designs, we plan and execute your site launch. In this phase, our team communicates with the client and knows when they will want their website to live online and let the world know about your work.


At this stage, our team focuses on creative graphic design, visual elements, and animations that are required to bring your website to life. We build a responsive, lead gen, custom and attractive web design proposal that scores high in UI UX aspects. After getting approval from clients, we move forward to the development stage of your business website.


Our Website developers are focused on developing attractive, responsive and beautiful website without any coding error. In The development process we take care of better website structure and placement.

Deployment and Site Testing

After the client approval on website design and development, we begin with the deployment and testing part. We run all the website pages and check the functionality to ensure that everything is perfect before the launching process.

Site Maintenance

It’s our responsibility to maintain the website so we can save it from hackers and other malware that can harm the website coding and design. From making changes in the backend to fixing broken links, updating content to making changes in website designs, we offer complete maintenance of loose or broken threads on the website.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs or Coaching and Mentoring services feel free to speak to me personally by call us during business hours.

Head office address:

SCO 45, 2nd Floor, Sector 34A, Chandigarh

Call for help:

+91 98-138-25459

Mail for information:



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