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Social Media Management


Dricki SEO Agency

Social Media Management

Social media management services can help businesses to increase their online visibility, engage with their target audience, and build brand awareness and loyalty. These services can be particularly useful for businesses that are looking to establish a strong social media presence or improve their existing efforts.

Grow Brand Awareness, Engagement & Traffic.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a boon to the advertising industry and has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for marketers and audience to connect with each other.


Develop Brand Awareness (Followers)

Your social networking profiles help you a lot in building back to back followers on various Social Media Channels.  Maintaining a good communication and a strong network with your customers is a hefty process. Since it is a complex process it can’t be ignored. Having a large no of followers is directly proportional to your brand recognition value.  We have a Social Media Marketing team which will develop a strong connection with your most potential customers. We have a research team which work on the back on your most particular niche.

Increasing your followers and likes on social networking sites will help you increase word of mouth and referrals. Our aim is to target the potential and relevant people to increase the engagement.

We will ensure that your followers match the demographics, interests, and behaviours of your typical customers.


Build relationship (Engagement)

Everybody wants attention and engagement. But when it comes to your customers it becomes more imperative. When your customer feel Engage to your Brand they will more likely to retain with you and hence your relationship with customers build. It is not a onetime process it is a continuous process. We make sure that you will be able to engage with your customers because it is ultimately you who build direct communication with your customers.

How to build customer relationships with social media

• Create a customer service social media channel
• Use social listening
• Listen to customer feedback
• Personalize customer experiences
• Create a relatable brand voice
• Offer rewards and incentives
• Share user-generated content.
• Provide value on social media

When you build a strong connection through engagement with your audience, they are more likely to buy from you. We will help you increase engagement (likes, comments, etc.) on your social media posts. The more engagement you have, the stronger your connection is with your audience.


Increasing website exposure

In today’s competitive environment Website traffic is a value for your business. The more the traffic of on your website there will be the chances of your increment in CTR. That’s why our Social media marketing team focuses on driving high volumes of traffic. Merely having a volume of traffic does not guarantee you to increase leads and revenues. For making long time recognition in the mindset of customers we provide you Add-on services including Social Ads which will target your most recent website visitors.

How to Drive Website Traffic Through Social Media

• Fill in your profile
• Promote your blog content
• Make your content easy to share
• Post when your audience is active
• Focus on sharing visual content
• Engage with your audience (consistently)
• Optimize your calls to action.
• Test paid social advertising

Increase your website traffic through about methods will directly increase your leads and sales. That is why these services are best paired with our advertising services, where we focus on high relevant traffic to your website through social media channels. To increase conversions, we can add-on retargeting social ads to stay in front of recent website visitors.


Various Popular Social Media Sites


Nowadays Face book is the most popular social media platform among youth. 7 out of 10 people use it daily. They are using it for the purpose of connection with others.

As of 2020 Face book has 2.6 billion monthly active users worldwide. Why we should not target them. That where our work starts. We will promote your brand through Face book Ads which ultimately leads to your growth.


Instagram is a subsidiary of Face book. People will engage to your brand when they find something relevant to them. And with the images, videos and creative content they will get curious to know more about you. Our Social media team will help you to develop your brand on this Brand.


Video content are most popular in these days. There is a reason behind it because videos make person more inclusive to the content. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine following GOOGLE. So creating your identity through videos is a good strategy for promoting your Brand.


Twitter is the most trusted Social media channel. It has most reputed personal and business accounts. It is a good medium to connect with your competitor or big customers. 


Creating impressive Blogs at a good channel will ultimately leads to develop your Profile. And Tumbler platform provides you that service. This platform let’s you post your updated Business article and Posts many more things like Photos and videos.


Pinterest is not about Sharing of images. This platform lets you to share your large files to your Followers and most potential customers. Pinterest is a growing social media channel that will help you gaining new followers. 


LinkedIn defines your Professional Image. Whenever a student going for an interview he or she may be asked for his LinkedIn Profile. Whatever you do with your professional carrier it will reflect in your LinkedIn profile. Is is a great social media channel where you can build your impressive professional image.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs or Coaching and Mentoring services feel free to speak to me personally by call us during business hours.

Head office address:

SCO 45, 2nd Floor, Sector 34A, Chandigarh

Call for help:

+91 98-138-25459

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