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Dricki SEO


Dricki SEO Agency

About Dricki

We treat each client’s website as if it were our own. Nothing is more important than knowing all we can about your business goals and aspirations and helping you achieve them. Our professional team is always working to identify every significant aspect of your business operation and the key members.


To Convert Client's Dream into Reality One Click at a Time!



Our mission is to exceed customer expectations by providing the most efficient, innovative and outstanding online and digital marketing services to increase their productivity and profitability across the globe.

Our aim is to not only increase traffic to our client’s websites, but sales as well.

Our clients are the center of our existence and we offer superior customer service at all times and in all possible areas.


Fast Execution

We deliver the skills you need and when you need them. We are committed and focused to work with you to ensure that each and every issue receives immediate & appropriate response.

Low Risk / Cost Effective

Contract terms are negotiated to suit the realities and requirements of each project. Pay for what you need and when you need it: We offer short-term and long-term packages.

Top Tier Quality

Our team of cutting edge SEO specialists, analysts and developers are always on top of the latest tech and design trends. We place the interests of our customers at the top of our priorities.


We deliver every one of our projects in a very transparent way. You will be able to minimize the risk by having total control of the scope, cost and execution. You Ask, We Answer!


Over 30+ years of combined experience in digital marketing including SEO, PPC and Web Development Services.

Customer Satisfaction

Have worked with over hundreds of clients and we are proud to say that we have over 95% client retention.


Our Values

Favorite Quote: “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. Therefore, we treat all of our clients with the upmost respect, honesty, & integrity.

We are glad to say that our services encompass: Innovation + Integrity.

We strive to find the best solution that suits our client’s needs and not our own.

We strive to be as transparent as possible: You Ask, We Answer.

We thrive on serving our clients, not selling to them. No gimmicks or tricks here!

Team member

Our expert team members will assist you.

Employees need to realize the importance of working well with their teammates when coming into a new job or an existing one. A team player is more valuable.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)